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100 美元/小時

團體 ( 每人)
2人 60 美元/小時
3人 45 美元/小時
4人 40 美元/小時
成人有氧網球訓練營 (1:4)
先進的 :
週三 8:30pm-10pm 每人 $50
 太陽 下午 4:30 - 6 點 每人 50 美元
週二 8:30pm-10pm 每人 $50





課程參與 $60/小時

三人課程 $45/小時

四人課程 $40/小時

個人課 (1 :4)





週六下午4:30-6點  $50 每人


週一晚上8點30-10點,$5 0每人


1. 学费均可由学员所在公司报销(如适用)。

2. 如因报销原因而提前预支付下一年度的学费,课程必须在下一年度结束前完成。
2-a. 如下一年度的收费标准有变化,学员需根据新的年度标准补缴差价。
2-b. 提前预支付下一年度学费的课程开始后,课程过期标准均为两个月。
2-c. 例如:学员A在2022年12月1日预先支付2023年的学费,学员A则必须在2023年10月1日前开始课程,而课程则将在2023年11月30日过期。如学员A在2022年根据2022年收费标准预支付了2023年的学费,而2023年收费标准有变化,则学员A需要在课程开始前补缴差价。

3. 所有课程开始后,有效期为两个月。

4. 课程不可转让。

5. 学费在课程开始前可以根据特殊情况申请退款,而课程开始后,学费不可退款。


6. 如在团体课中缺席,学员可选择另外相近水平的团体课补课,但缺席课程在课程有效期后一并失效,失效后不可补课。



Tuition/Session Fee Policy

1. Tuition fees can be reimbursed by the customer’s company (if applicable).

2. If the tuition fee for the next year is prepaid for reimbursement reasons, the Session Package must be completed before the end of the next year.

2-a. If the Tuition/Session Fee for the following year changes, the customer who has prepaid for the following year needs to pay the difference based on the new annual standard.
2-b. The pre-paid Session Package expires within two months after the session starts.
2-c. For example, Customer A prepays Session Package for 2023 on December 1, 2022, Customer A must start the Session Package before October 1, 2023, and the Session Package will expire on November 30, 2023. If Customer A prepaid the Session Package for 2023 based on the 2022 Tuition/Session Fee Annual Standard in 2022, and the Tuition/Session Fee Annual Standard changes in 2023, Customer A needs to make up the difference before the start of the Session Package.

3. All Session Packages are valid for two months after the start of the first session.

4. Session Packages are not transferable.

5. The Tuition/Session Fee can be refunded under special circumstances before the Session Package starts, and the Tuition/Session Fee is non-refundable after the Session Package starts.


6. If the customer is absent from a group session, the customer can choose another group session of a similar level to make up the class; however, the absent class will be invalid after the validity period of the Session Package, and the class cannot be made up after the expiration date.

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